MMO in Godot 4? Why not #1


This is my hobby experiment in creating an MMO game. Many years ago, before I became a backend developer, I tried to implement a project under the name Avolt Online. Now I have started a new project with the same name. 

This will be a small and cheap project purely for fun.


I am a backend developer with 8 years of experience. Several years have passed since my last attempt to make an online game (avolt-online, res-universe). I learned quite a lot about the network, infrastructure and how to write large projects.

New project WIP

- simple authentication server (login/password)
- website with a list of servers
- content server (remote configs)
- basic game client and server, communication via RPC with TLS in UDP

- authentication on the game server using a JWT token (+ autologin) with validation on the authentication server
- client-server request router for system functions that require a response to a request
- connecting pgsql database, database models for the game server, migrations, etc.
- basic list/character creation functions
- logic for tracking characters involved in the game within the server
- asynchronous network magic

Get Avolt Online - MMORPG

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